European and international law
- European and international civil service
- Internal market
- Competition
- European public contracts
- Citizenship and fundamental rights
- Protection of personal data
- European litigation
- Public international law
Transport law
- Compensation of passengers following a delay, loss of luggage, or flight cancellation
- Transport contracts, breach of contract, direct action, subcontracting
- Transport of goods, loss or theft, damage, diversions
- Licences and authorizations for rail, road or sea passenger transport services, scheduled passenger transports
- Liability of travel and transport companies
- Transport-related Insurance
- Contractual or non-contractual litigation between carriers and airports, ports and stations
Labour and social security law
- Labour law
- Social security law
- Criminal social law
- Workforce migration and work permits
- Public sector
Banking and financial law
- Banking and Finance
- Life insurance and financial products
- Financing of private and public companies
- Compliance in the financial sector
- Company, association and foundation law
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Disputes between shareholders and director’s liability
- Incorporation and restructuring of companies
Tax law
- Belgian and international estate planning
- Life insurance taxation
- Banking and financial taxation
- Councils taxes
- Litigation and regularisation
- Tax rulings
Public and administrative law
- General administrative litigation
- Civil service law
- Education
- Public health
- Public property law
- Local authorities
- Police and administrative sanctions
- Use of languages
- Public contracts
- Authorization litigation
- Liability of the public authorities
- Distribution of federal and federated competences
- Fundamental rights
Town planning and environmental law
- Town planning and land use
- Environmental law and environmental criminal law
- Commercial establishments
- Environmental tax
- Expropriations
Commercial and consumer law
- Commercial and distribution contracts
- Consumer protection
- Commercial law
- Debt recovery
- Seizure
- Guardianship and liquidation
- Restructuring, bankruptcy and insolvency
Civil liability law
- Civil liability law - insurance
- Medical law
- Professional liability law
Real estate law
- Construction law
- Public procurement
- Sale of real estate
- Co-ownership
- Law on adjoining property
- Rental law
Family (patrimonial) law
- Inheritances
- Filiation and adoption
- Divorce and separation
- Administration of assets and the person
- Law governing mental illness
Criminal law
- Crimes and offences under common law
- Economic and financial criminal law
- Environmental criminal law
- International criminal law
- Human rights
- Family criminal law
- Road traffic law
- Criminal social law
- Criminal tax law
GDPR, new technologies law, IT/IP
- Media law
- ICT law
- Protection of personal data
- E-commerce
- Intellectual property law
Disciplinary and ethical law
Humanitarian, asylum and immigration law